Галена Тодорова Терзиева
Галена Тодорова Терзиева
: The regulatory documents in Bulgaria related to inclusive education in the field of motor learning focus on the participation of children without and with special needs in cooperation games. Preschool’s and primary teachers face the problem of being a party in the implementation of inclusive physical education. This indicates that they have the appropriate competencies.
The purpose of the article is to identify the main difficulties experienced by students in the specialty “Preschool and primary school pedagogy” in their academic training in the direction of planning and conducting physical education games, which include children and students with physical disabilities, visual impairments, hearing impairments and mental retardation
Ключови думи: students majoring in “Preschool and primary school pedagogy”, adapted physical education
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ас. Галена Тодорова Терзиева, д-р
Педагогически факултет
Тракийски университет - Стара Загора
е-mail: gtterzieva@abv.bg