Кремена Любенова Ангелова
Kremena Lyubenova Angelova
: The article seeks to identify the main challenges that education will have to face today in order to adequately respond to the demands of the future. Visions and expectations of global organizations and forums, as well as such of national institutions responsible for educational policies, have been analyzed. Juxtaposition is also made between the projected needs of our society in the foreseeable future in terms of knowledge, skills and values, and the readiness of the contemporary educational system to teach and develop them in today’s students.
Ключови думи: educational policies, strategic framework, global educational challenges, education of the future, innovative methods.
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University Lecturer Kremena Lybenova Angelova
St.Cyril and St. Methodius University of Velico Tarnovo
College of Pedagogy-Pleven
e-mail: kremena_ang@abv.bg
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