Abstract. Digitalization of the Bulgarian society over the recent years changed the educational environment where the education in mathematics in pre-school takes place. To achieve its goals and tasks, teachers must use in their methodological system of work information-communication technologies and create conditions for performance of practical activities in which the children actively participate.
Systematized and analyzed theoretical concepts from the areas of psychology and pedagogy are presented in the article as well as the methodology for teaching mathematics related to the theory of activity. Based on this, a new methodological system of work was developed and practically tested. The aim of the research work was to analyze different aspects of its application in the pedagogical interrelations during mathematical classes as part of the pre-school education for development of knowledge, skills, general competences and competencies related to the quantity length and its measuring using the activity approach.
Ключови думи: activity approach, the quantity of length, measuring
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Assoc. prof. Maria Petrova Temnikova, д-р
Педагогически факултет
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
e-mail: mpt66@abv.bg