Galena Todorova Terzieva
Abstract: The aim of the study is to analyze the attitudes and self-efficacy of current and future preschool and primary teachers for the inclusion of children with various disabilities in general physical education classes. This article presents the results related to children with visual impairments.
The study covers a contingent of 723 people – 240 preschool teachers, 143 primary teachers and 340 students graduating in “Preschool and primary school pedagogy”.
The main method of research is the questionnaire. Participants filled in modified and adapted versions of two questionnaires: “Attitudes toward Teaching Individuals with Physical Disabilities in Physical Education – ATIPDPE” by Kudlachek and “Self-Efficacy Scale for Physical Education of Teacher Education Majors toward Inclusion – SE-PETE-D” by Blok.
The results show that the respondents have relatively positive inclusive attitudes and are rather confident in their ability to include a child with a visual impairment in inclusive physical education.
Keywords: adapted physical education; inclusion; preschool teachers; primary teachers; students majoring in “Preschool and primary school pedagogy”
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Author Info:
Assist. Prof. Galena Todorova Terzieva, PhD
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora