Tiha Atanasova Delcheva, Elena Georgieva Georgieva
Abstract: A model of a student portfolio for improving the quality and effectiveness of students’ pedagogical practical competencies during their practical academic preparation is presented. The structure of the model includes target, structural-content, organizational-procedural and evaluation block. Content and process of developing the learning portfolio reflects the level of formation of three key competencies of teachers: to work with others; to work with knowledge, technology and information; to work with society.
The technology includes a variety of reflexive exercises, variable-creative learning tasks with a dialogic style, with a practical focus, reflexive techniques, methods, tools and forms of organization.
The criteria for assessment and self-assessment are: professional-value-cognitive and professional-operational-active. The indicators are: motivational; cognitive-two-way reflexive grounded analysis/ self-analysis; peer assessment and self-assessment; variable-creative proposals.
Key words: reflexive-dialogical portfolio, reflexive technology, external and internal motivation
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Author Info:
Prof. Tiha Атанасова Delcheva, PhD
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Elena Georgieva Georgieva, PhD
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
е-mail: elenataneva7@