Дарина Костадинова Мавродиева-Кючукова, Ирина Стоева Владимирова, Илонка Христова Стоянова
Darina Kostadinova Mavrodieva-Kyuchukova, Irina Stoeva Vladimirova, Ilonka Hristova Stoyanova
Summary: The aim of innovation in education is to enable students to improve their educational performance, their motivation to learn, their participation in school life and to develop their creative thinking, different competences and emotional intelligence.
The report presents a model of innovative pedagogical practice, implemented through project-based learning, used in an interdisciplinary religion lesson on the topic “Monasteries in Bulgaria”. The practice was realized with students from the IV a class of the “Panayot Volov” Primary School, Varna, studying under an innovative school curriculum under the project “Design and Creativity” and attending the school “Orthodox Christian Values and Traditions” at the Municipal Children’s Complex – Varna. The paper focuses on the advantages of the project method, on the inter-subject links in religious education, on the integration of non-formal religious education and formal school education, and especially on the technology of implementation of the approbated practice.
It is concluded that the applied innovative practice is effective, successful and sustainable. It enhances the cognitive and motivational efficiency of the students, helps to carry out a comprehensive and in-depth study of the topic, and the project developed by the students “Monasteries in Bulgaria” testifies to their information and technological literacy, analyticity (critical thinking), creativity and innovation, communication and teamwork skills.
Key words: project-based learning, innovative practice, project, religion, computer modelling, e-booklets, monasteries
Download full paper: 5-D. Mavrodieva & al.
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Author Info:
Darina Kostadinova Mavrodieva-Kyuchukova, Senior teacher
CPLR – Municipal Children’s Complex
Varna, Bulgaria
е-mail: darina.kyuchukova@odk-varna.com
Irina Stoeva Vladimirova, Senior teacher
„Panayot Volov“ Primary School
Varna, Bulgaria
е-mail: i.s.vladimirova@oupvolov.com
Ch. Assist. Prof. Ilonka Hristova Stoyanova, PhD
Faculty of Humanities
Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen
9700 Shumen, Bulgaria
е-mail: i.stoyanova@shu.bg
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