Снежанка Добрева Георгиева
Snezhanka Dobreva Georgieva
Abstract: The article examines current issues of modern school management related to innovative practices for improving the competencies of pedagogical professionals. To ensure the quality of the educational process, the teacher must meet the needs and interests of students and parents in a changing and uncertain educational environment. In this context, the continuous development of teaching technologies, interpersonal competence and ways to support the personal development of students are essential for the preparation and self-reflection of pedagogical professionals. The role of the head of the modern educational institution is to organize learning in an organizational context and to create conditions for the development of innovative and creative opportunities of each teacher, applying innovative management thinking and monitoring the effectiveness of training. The article presents a survey among school principals, which addresses the two main aspects of organizational learning – internal institutional qualifications and external support for improving the competencies of pedagogical professionals. Analysed is the system of joint and individual learning created in schools, the motivation of teachers in this process, the frequency and type of qualifications and others, in the context of the head’s vision for human development as a key to future competitive advantage of the institution. The findings of the study provide an opportunity for future development of the ability of pedagogical professionals to solve educational problems and in a team with the head to think globally for higher efficiency and quality of the learning process.
Key words: qualification, qualification forms, efficiency, innovative managerial thinking, pedagogical specialists, motivation, survey.
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Author Info:
Prof. Snezhanka Dobreva Georgieva, PhD
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1054-1754
Web of Science Researcher ID: AAY-3723-2020
University of Shumen „Bishop K. Preslavski“
115, Universitetska St. 9700 Shumen, Bulgaria
e-mail: s.dobreva@shu.bg
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