Галина Пейкова Коларова
Galina Peykova Kolarova
Abstract: The development of information and communication technologies has reached a high peak, from which many conclusions, forecasts and assumptions can be drawn about the future directions in which modern technologies will take over or continue their expansion and improvement. One of the areas that experiences a huge rise and spread, and is increasingly being used in various fields, is the technology “Augmented reality”. It enters at a rapid pace in all spheres of social, public and professional life. Whether its use will be limited to marketing, advertising, trade, education, medicine, tourism, architecture, science and video games or it will be embedded in other areas, mixing existing and material with digital into a different experience, where the boundary between reality and fantasy blurs, fades or completely disappears and entirely immerses in the virtual world. Or maybe it will reach other peaks, higher and lastingly impacting human perceptions and senses.
Keywords: Augmented Reality platform, editor, marker-based AR, QR code
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Литература / References
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Author Info:
Assist. Prof. Galina Peykova Kolarova
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
е-mail: galina.kolarova@trakia-uni.bg
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