Summary: The proposed research is empirically focused on the discovery of opportunities for a new approach, new methods, new content and organization of the learning process regarding training in pre-school art. The integrative process has its logical and substantive basis.
The integrative approach deals mainly with the structuring of the content of the pedagogical process. Through it, the system of knowledge and experience is ensured, which are mastered by adolescents with a view to their overall and systematic formation as individuals. The sequence in the implementation of the individual parts of the concept of pedagogical research represents the procedure that is related to the organization of the research and seeks the logic of the manifestation of the processes in the construction of the pedagogical experiment. The organization of the pedagogical research follows such an arrangement of the elements, the tasks and the activities in the time of implementation, which leads to the successful achievement of the goal of this research.
Keywords: integrative approach, decorative painting, preschool education
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Author info:
Assist. Prof.Yoanna Petkova Dimitrova, PhD
Faculty of Education,
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria