Abstract: The formation of personal values and worldview of the adolescent individual starts in the family as a social institution. It is in the family that the child begins to learn the standards of the acceptable behavior with other people, to develop the individual’s own personality and to become aware of their civic responsibilities. Various traditions in the parents-child relationship as well as various methods for upbringing children in the family have developed in the different countries and in the different social concepts. The article deals with some trends in the children’s upbringing in the modern family related to the constant and dynamic changes which accompany its functioning as a primary socialization environment. A special attention is paid to the specifics of the family upbringing of children whose family is going through divorce, children in incomplete families or remarriage of one of the parents.
Key words: family, personal values, methods for upbringing, children’s upbringing
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Author info:
Assoc. Prof. Anton Penchev Stoykov, PhD
Faculty of Education,
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
е-mail: anton.stoykov@trakia-uni.bg