Abstract: In the Bachelor’s degree curriculum of the new specialty Pedagogy of Fine Arts and Graphic Design, the main place is occupied by creative tasks. In order to increase the desire and creative charge, a non-standard method with a game character was applied in the process of teaching the new content and its reflection in practical activity was also observed.
The purpose of this publication is to reveal whether such game methods are effective in working with students of creative disciplines. Does a non-standard approach in presenting new learning content will increase the students‘ motivation for learning and creative thinking? What is the place of visual intelligence as a key factor in the competencies required in the acquisition of knowledge in the field of Graphic Design.
The method of Аttributive Analysis was chosen as a way of self-evaluation of the conducted activity. This activity analysis is an interesting, significant method, due to its applicability in various spheres of human activity, including pedagogical.
Through the scheme created by Vladimir Belich of Attributive Analysis, which begins with Motivation and ends with the Result, an answer is given to the question: “Is the need for self-improvement, learning, training, creativity, realization, etc.has satisfied or not.”
The pedagogical activity conducted and analyzed through this method is an experiment that represents the use of a competitive game-book in the process of passing new knowledge on the students of the topic of Pictogram. The aim of the game is to provide the students with a puzzle of pictographic images. It must be assembled and guessed by decoding the content that the individual images represent. The use of this type of analysis visually traces and makes sense – Is the didactic path to a task with increased difficulty correct.
Keywords: motivation, experiment, game-book, pictogram, Attributive Analysis, visual intelligence
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Author Info:
Assist. Prof. Atanaska Angelova Yaneva
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
е-mail: atanaska.yaneva@trakia-uni.bg