Abstract: School readiness, due to its complexity and individual-personal measurability, is a problem of permanent relevance. Children experience the greatest difficulties (80%) in primary school education in connection with writing due to its structural complexity, the presence of several interrelated indicators. With developing possibilities for overcoming these difficulties is the theory of central psychic neoplasms. In children during the upper preschool age, these are: arbitrariness (skills to follow rules, to act according to the instructions of the adult, the teacher); purposeful orientation and carrying out various activities with sign-symbolic means. These new formations arise in the game and the enriched environment of interactions, of positive stimuli/ subject, game-active, verbal, learning-cognitive/, related to the current needs of children, which stimulates their subjective activity. Group activity stimulates the positive emotionally saturated cognitive activity of children, aimed at self-development and building good relationships in the group, towards successful learning. Particularly useful in this aspect is the purposeful use of: finger games, games with rules (mobile and didactic) as well as appropriate game-like forms (interactive methods).
Key words: psychomotor readiness, mental neoplasms; spontaneity, semiotic development, play, interactive methods
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Author info:
Prof. Tiha Atanasova Delcheva ,PhD
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
e- mail: ahitdelcheva@abv.bg