Abstract: The article examines the possibilities of increasing students’ reading literacy with a view to teacher training. Along with the thresholds for reading literacy in all stages of secondary education, basic competencies that future primary teachers should possess are put forward. All this is refracted through the international studies PISA and PIRLS. The essence between teaching and learning in its invariant characteristics, the regularities and principles of learning, the subject of normative didactics, docimology and didactometry, as well as didactic prognostication are the basis of the training of future teachers. In BBulgarian Language and Lliterature education it is more than imperative to set the standards of reading literacy. That is why, when delineating the thresholds for reading literacy, the author refers to the PISA reading literacy criteria, as well as to a longitudinal study of the dynamics of reading literacy of students in the Burgas region /compared to the results in the country/.
Keywords: reading literacy, thresholds of reading literacy, teaching, comprehensive approach, BEL training
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Autor Info:
Prof. Tanya Ivanova Borisova, DSc
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
e-mail: tanya.borisova@trakia-uni.bg