· Yearbook 2020


Mariya Slavova Teneva


Abstract: The study presents the problems of vocational training and the continuing qualification of Bulgarian teachers. Higher education institutions preparing pedagogical staff need effective interaction and evaluation of their activities by the users of the educational services, such as kindergarten and school directors.The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted with 50 kindergarten and school principals from 8 regions in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The object of the study is the managerial reflection on the quality of the training of the newly appointed teachers.

The subject of the study is the possibilities for improving their professional qualification.

The results indicate that principals are partially satisfied with the quality of the theoretical and practical training of the teachers they hire. To the greatest extent they stimulate the enhancement of the professional competence of the teaching staff by financing their participation in continuing education courses.

Key words: education, professional competence of the teacher, continuing education


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Author Info:

Assoc. Prof. Mariya Slavova Teneva, PhD

Faculty of Education

Trakia University – Stara Zagora

