Дияна Паскалева Георгиева
Diyana Paskaleva Georgieva
Abstract: The article is devoted to empirical determination of the positive effects of sensory-based interventions on the types of aggressive behavior in children, in whose clinical picture there are more than one developmental disorders. The sample included 9 children (7 boys and 2 girls) aged 4 to 6 years, trained in specialized structures for educational support. The data obtained before and after the use of sensory-integrative technology reflected the frequency of negative behavioral reactions in 4 categories: verbal aggression, aggression towards things, self-aggression, physical aggression towards others. The results of the control experiment showed a strong downward trend in terms of negative behavioral expression in the studied domains after the application of a sensory-integrative therapy.
Key words: children with multiple disorders, aggression, sensory integration, sensory-based interventions
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Author Info:
Assoc. Prof. Diyana Paskaleva Georgieva, PhD
Faculty of Education
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
е-mail: paskaldi1929@abv.bg
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