Anna Arnaudova-Otouzbirova
Abstract: The aim of this article is to present the results from an empirical research which was conducted at the Faculty of Education, Trakia University, Bulgaria. The participants were bachelor degree students of primary school education with a foreign language. Their environmental attitude was tested with the help of The New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEPS) which was given to students before and after their training in the course “English Language and Environmental Education”. Their answers to the items in the NEPS were collected and analyzed to study the impact of integrating environmental educational content and English language teaching on the formation of their environmental views. The article outlines some of the most interesting findings and offers a discussion of the results in comparison with a control group and provides probable explanations.
Key words: environmental attitudes, CLIL, English language education
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Author Info:
Assist. prof. Anna Arnaudova-Otouzbirova, PhD
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Faculty of Education