Rumyana Ilcheva Neminska
Abstract: The quality of tertiary education is one of the main objectives of the common European space. As an element of quality, the development of innovative teaching methodologies in higher education is perceived. That is why innovative practices, student-centered training and their results remain a priority in the process of higher education. It is precisely this that, in procedural terms, requires higher education to have an adaptive research character, so that teaching methods create the conditions for the development of students’ research skills. This perspective is the core of this report. It outlines the adaptive nature of interactive methods and their research characteristics. In the contemporary reading of interactive learning two main trends are considered – the scientific theoretical enrichment and the content-technological extension of the notion of interactivity.
In the theoretical perspective, interactive education in higher education is seen as a pedagogical model that encourages students to be an active part of the learning interaction. In this sense, interactive methods are understood as integrative complexes in which a dialogue-oriented research environment for the development of scientific and research potential is constructed. The interactive methodological complex organizes such academic learning environment, which is permanently dynamic, research-focused, creative and effective. The grading of this interactive methodological complex consists in the fact that the students use the methodical supports, but they build their scientific theoretical links so that they mutually develop their cognitive, emotional and other type of potential. In content – technology terms, the concept is explored through action – oriented and interdisciplinary approaches. The methodical interactive complex is also built on simulation-based pedagogical training. It has designed a learning environment in which students can make mistakes, exercise and explore the cognitive space, apply various ideas several times to achieve the most satisfactory and pedagogically acceptable result. The research technology in the methodical interactive learning model is constructed in three stages: community work, assessment reflection and a self-reflection questionnaire. In the three technological stages, the student enters different roles: constructor, evaluator, personal reflection. In each of the stages, the research feature enables influence on a particular element of the model so as to enhance/slow down, postpone/hurry an action, result or process. The research features of interactive learning relate to self-reflection at several levels: – teaching; – learning; -constructs of pedagogical communication, – assessment/self-assessment. The application of a research interactive learning model enhances the research culture of the students and the level of their personal and professional communication.
Key words: interactive education, higher education
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Author Info: Rumyana Илчева Neminska, PhD
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Faculty of Education