Pedagogical communication as a basis for the adaptation of foreign students to the training in bulgarian universities
Ivelina Ventsislavova Angelova
Abstract: The paper reviews some problems of adaptation of foreign students to the educational system at the Higher education institutions, in particular the English speaking students at Medical Faculties/ Universities in Bulgaria. A very important condition for successful adaptation is quality pedagogical communication which is also the focus of this article.
The author points out the problems of foreign students at the adaptation stage and draws attention to the importance of the teacher’s attitude and behavior.
The paper considers that the development of skills and habits for intercultural communication in the process of pedagogical communication is closely related to the adaptation and socialization of foreign students in the conditions of the new socio-cultural environment.
The paper analyzes the pedagogical communication technique, which should include strictly defined components.
Keywords: foreign students, adaptation, foreign language learning, communication skills, pedagogy
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Author Info:
Assist. Prof. Ivelina Ventsislavova Angelova, PhD Student
Department of Medical Psychology and Foreign Languages
Trakia University, Faculty of Medicine
Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
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